Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Portraits, Kids Art, Eagles and Birds

Well, life and art continue on and forward for Martha and I. Last week while I was interviewing interesting folks and writing  for my other blog  Martha was judging  art for the kids recycled art show up in Leavenworth and teaching art to the residents at the local emergency housing program. 
Then on Friday while Martha was volunteering as a docent at the Bird Fest art show in Leavenworth I covered some of the other art activities  related to Bird Fest,  took pictures and wrote yet another blog for my other blog . Then in evening we attended the opening for the kid’s art show Martha had judged. A busy and fulfilling week it was indeed.

Also, last week Martha closed the deal on selling some art to a buyer in L.A. Good… job Martha. 
Meanwhile I continued working on the painting of my granddaughter… it’s getting there.

 It’s a bit different for me as I am painting it in acrylic rather than doing it with water color pencil and marker as I had done the portraits of my kids years ago. I also, came to find that I had forgotten to put the link to the video I made of our parade float experience in my previous blog… so here it is It’s pretty fun and very colorful.

Monday came the big day for Martha to pick up her artwork from the gallery in Leavenworth and to change out her art at the NUART Gallery in East Wenatchee and to the ship off three pieces to L.A.  She is very excited and I am very happy for her too. She also, had a couple of her works over at NUART framed and now they look even better.  As I write she is busily painting up a storm on the new canvases she just got… can’t wait to see what she comes up with now.

Earlier today, we were planning out what we want to do with the tropical birds as far as mounting for the upcoming adult recycled art show in Leavenworth that we are both participating in. The tropical birds need a different mounting system than we used on the float and we want to add feet and natural branch perches for her three birds. My eagle is pretty well good to go, I just need to figure out the transports system as taking it in the back of my pick-up as I did to the parade would wreak havoc on it traveling 20miles at freeway speeds.

Well, enough for now and back to work.

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