Well, it’s been a wonderful two weeks for art and artistic
endeavors. It was exactly two weeks ago today that Pamela and Marvin Barrow
came to pick up the family themed sculpture by Martha Flores for the new Library
in Quincy. It was so good to have completed the firing and glazing in time
before heading out to southern California to spend Christmas with the grandkids.
And, speaking of the grand kids I was overjoyed to see dance
performances by two of the grand kids. One performance I put on video which
everyone who saw it thought was hilarious, and can be seen at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOk7skxagBc&list=UUNvpiC1XcVKVH-EiXJCMCsA&index=1&feature=plcp
. The oldest of the grand kids will be in a competitive dance competition soon,
and so I was admonished, therefore, that I could not post video of the dance online
as competing dance groups will know what CF Dance Academy will be doing and try
to ‘up their game’ accordingly. So; alas no video of that very cool dance at
this time. We’ll just have to wait till after the competition for that.
While there I also was able to get to Downtown L.A., to the
Los Angeles Center for Digital Art with one of my sons to see the three digital
art pieces I have in the December Show there. That was an adventure and it was
interesting to see the art by the other artists, meet and talk with the
Director Rex Bruce, as well as seeing my own art there.

While stumbling around the internet at one point I
discovered a worldwide arts map called TheArtsMap.com,
which I added the Martha Flores Studio to view go to: http://www.theartsmap.com/detail.php?id=9942
. TheArtsMap.com is an interactive worldwide map of artist's studios,
galleries, arts organizations, museums, arts events, and more. Listings on The
Arts Map are free and searchable in many different ways. After sharing the info
on TheArtsMap.com with Jan over at Two Rivers Gallery, he informed me that he
has added TRG to the site as well. Good job Jan.

After the boat trip it was great to get some photos of the artwork of Marisol Bowling, Martha's prima, who has really developed well in a short time since starting to paint couple of years ago.
On our way home, we stopped in
Ventura, Ca. to visit with a wonderful artist and car designer Mark Sterenberger who has just recently had his art produced
in the 1960’s rediscovered by a whole new generation of young artists and art
lovers in New York.

Back home, there is no rest for the weary. Today Martha and I will head out to Quincy where the word is they may wish to commission another piece by Martha… Yeah! And, of course we will want to see the new Library and all the new artwork there.
And, no sooner will we be back, when it will be time to start putting together the artwork for the gallery installation at Two Rivers Gallery that will take place this weekend. The opening reception there will be Friday January 6th… the same day, by the way, that we will be installing Martha’s artwork at the Icicle Arts Gallery in Leavenworth.
And, last but certainly not
least, in yesterdays mail came the January edition of the Good Life Magazine
which had a lovely article about Martha titled “Dancing Painter Turns sadness
Into Sensuous Canvases” written by Susan Lagsdin. What a wonderful end of the
year gift that was.
Well, enough for now… back to
work and then to Quincy we will go.Tweet
Happy New Year! Thanks for helping spread the word about The Arts Map. The more populated the map grows the more folks will use it to find us.
ReplyDeleteCordially, Jonathan & Robin, creators of http://TheArtsMap.com
PS. Should have written: "to find all of us." - Jonathan
ReplyDeleteAh hah... thanks Jonathan