Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dancing Zebra, Dallas Tornados,Steel Eagle and Art About Town

Well, it’s been an unusual week for art. On the weekend before Martha left town, I stopped in to visit Gary over at the Nuart gallery in East Wenatchee, and began cooking up a plan for a Martha Flores Dancing Zebra Art show. In a week or two I will take her Dancing Zebra painting which she created there last November, to the gallery and let Gary build a show around that piece. That should be good and it was really an eye catcher the day she painted it there. I stopped in to visit Terry Johnson over at Terry Signs who had made a banner for the younger members of the Embracing Cultures group to carry in front of the float. That should add a nice touch.

 As the week came round it was time to get to work and Martha took off for Dallas… yes Dallas where the luck of the Irish was upon her as she flew on the day of the tornados. Well, she flew as far as Sea Tac anyway. Nearly twenty-four hours later she was finally off to Dallas.

Meanwhile, as Martha was bogged down in SeaTac airport trying to get to Dallas which was shut down due to tornados, I did get a bit of work done on my Steel Eagle for the Embracing Cultures float for the upcoming Apple Blossom parade. But, the next couple of days were slow going as I had to devote myself to that yearly exercise of doing taxes…YUK! A few things I was able to distract myself with was finding out a bit more about metal work and joining a newsletter for Jessica Dietz ‘s ‘Weathervane Artistry’.  I’m looking forward to getting to see her video when it comes out as I really want to learn about working with metal, so that later I might redo my steel eagle with a metal skin or just do another one all together or some other metal piece. I’m thinking of that dinosaur at the south end of town…

Another fine distraction was looking at submitting an application for this year’s Icicle Prize which is again a recycled art show. We didn’t win last year, but it was a lot of fun and the piece we donated to the Icicle Arts Gallery in Leavenworth is on the flyer for this year’s prize. A lot of people still comment to us about it. It’s a good permanent piece for the gallery and it gets some air time periodically and gets to be seen. Which is nice.

By Thursday I really needed a reprieve from taxes and I got one just in time before I lost my mind. Thankfully our friend and fellow board member at Two Rivers Gallery called and had me come down to docent at the gallery in the afternoon.  

This gave me an opportunity to take some photos of the April show before First Friday. At the end of the day Jan Theriault came by and we had a cold one at the pub across the way. We were both interested in the ice ‘sculpture’ or so it seemed to be on the beer spigot.  Enough so, that we both took pictures of it. I told him about having done a photo shoot in there a month or two ago.

Friday was of course First Friday, and true to form there was a crisis of sorts at the gallery. One bank of gallery lights in the west wing of the gallery had stopped working and it was up to me to check it out.  So;  first thing in the morning, and gratefully so as I could then avoid getting back to those pesky taxes a bit longer, I went on over to the gallery to work on the lights. But, alas the junction box was fried and a new one had to be ordered.

While in town I made a point of changing out the large photo I have had over at Amanda’s Books for quite some time. I have been meaning to change it out for months, but just haven’t had the time. It was good visiting with Bob who is Amanda’s dad and co-owner of the book store. I got the new photo in and took a few pics of the place as it has changed quite a bit since the last time I was there.

I haven’t been in to see some of the other art in town and knowing I might not come back out for First Friday on Good Friday, I went around and got some pics of the work at the Robert Graves Gallery at the Wenatchee Valley College and out to the Cashmere Arts and Activities Center in Cashmere and back in town to get pics of the shows at Café Mela, Lemolo’s and 4South. It was an interesting coincidence that both 4South and CAAC are each featuring photographers presenting photos of Europe. But m ore of these works for my other blog Arts in the Valley and Beyond in the Wenatchee World Online. Enough for now.

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