Monday, February 28, 2011
Gallery's pizza and computers....Yikes!
Well, my blogging has fallen behind as my laptop has been acting up. I just got it back to normal...hopefully it stays that way. We shall see. Since last I blogged Martha and I have been quite busy. Yesterday we took three pieces of art apiece to Two Rivers Gallery for the upcoming show. We were in a bit of a hurry to get several other pieces to the Cashmere Arts and Activity Center, that we forgot to put tags on the back of our work...oops. We did get an invite from Kasey who was working there to show at Lamolos this month, so we will be bringing some work over there tomorow morning.
While at CAAC we installed all the new art and changed the placements of all existing work. My work that was already there was moved up to the front area along with my new work as I am the Featured Artist for March and April. Martha's new pieces were placed right next to the work of Walter Graham the most famous artist from Eastern Washington , Idaho and Oregon. Artie the gallery director, is a gimp right now from surgery and so she was happily sitting around telling people what to do and how to do it...JK Artie... you are great. Sandra was, as always her right hand woman. It was a bit hullarious when I needed someone to take my picture for the the flier. It seemed that no one there but me is able to take a decent picture and I had to coach first sandra and then Martha in how to get a decent shot. Finally Martha got a couple of shots off that were more or less usable. After that, Martha and I worked pretty much as a team setting up our work. And, once we were done with our own work, I put Terry Johnson's work up on the Thank You wall where ones work goes after being the Featured Artist. Some of his stuff was not only large but quite heavy and needed to go up high. But, I did it. About that time the pizza and beer arrived and it was time to relax a bit.
Today Martha worked on some painting upstairs in the studio, while I was slaving away at the office (poor me) seeing clients and trying to get this darn computer working right. Tomorow first thing in the morning we have to take artwork over to Lamolos and then go to the gallery and put those darned tags on the backs of our work.
Well, enough for now.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
"Cashmere Art and Activity Center New show"

Another piece of important news. Artie Bowman the director of the gallery at CAAC asked me today to be the "Co-director" and specifically wants me to start working on PR and promotion. I'm already doing this blog and the Art in the Valley and Beyond blog through the Wenatchee world. So; the additional work would entail designing some paid advertising for the Go Magazine and other promotional ideas will follow. And, the not as much fun part is that I will have to start doing some more technical and accounting kinds of things as well. No 'P'... I can do it. It should be a lot of fun as well as a new challenge. Above you will see one of the new photos I will have at the Cashmere Arts and Activity Center in the new show.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Walter Graham at Two Rivers Gallery
March 4th will the the opening of the Walter Graham exhibit at Two Rivers Gallery where Martha and I exhibit our Work. We are really looking forward to seeing the upcoming Graham show as many of the pieces are said to have never been exhibited before. Of course we are also excited to be installing our own new work this coming weekend. It's going to be a very busy weekend indeed for us. Not only the Two Rivers installation, but also changing out our work at the Cashmere Arts and Activities Center, where I am to be the featured artist this coming month. And, as if that were not enough, this weekend is when the art work at the Off Jackson Theater needs to be picked up. I hope someone buys Martha's Oil painting there. I really don't want to have to drive over again to pick it up.
As to the Two Rivers exhibit, Denise Marker to curator of Walter Graham artistic estate, is offering painting of his as a fund raiser to be raffled off at the end of March. Now, that is something to look forward to. See some of WG's work below.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The play is the Thing; "Three Screams"
Well, this Friday we took the day off essentially, from our own work here in town and drove over to Seattle to do dinner with friends and see the live production of "Three Screams". Before dinner we visited the outdoor sculpture garden near Pikes market. It was fun but cold and windy. We'll have to go there again when it's warmer.Those of you who have been following our blog will recall that The Off Jackson Theater in Seattle is exhibitting one of Martha's paintings in the lobby of the theater during the running of the play. Martha's painting looked great there as did a number of other pieces by other artists. The play is by Vincent Delaney is a three act play made up of three separate monologues first by the thief who steals the famous painting "Scream" by Edvard Munch, the second his disturbed wife and the third their son 20 years later. I will write a more detailed analysis of the characters at another point. But leave it to say for now that a good time was had by all.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Art Work Continues
Well, our art projects continue. The disk was finalized for the Robert Graves Gallery submission. If accepted Martha likely couldn't get a show till late next year. This I learned from director John Crue at the opening last night for the current exhibit by Caryl Campbell. I won't review that opening here as I already did in the arts in the Valley and Beyond Blog through the Wenatchee World web site.
Myself I worked on reparing old frames and getting materials needed to convert some canvas frames to photo frames. The repairing intailed cleaning sanding, painting and in some cases mixing up plaser of paris and recreating designs in the plaster to match what had been on some very expensive large frames. The converting to photo frames involved mostly measuring and cutting plexiglass for the front openings of the frames. This done, I need to go through my digital stock of photos to see what coould go best with this particular frames, order custom prints and matts and get'r done.
Martha worked at the Two Rivers Gallery yesterday afternoon. When I picked her up, I got my first glance at the new canapy above the front entrance. It has been a long time a com'n for this, but it was finaly installed. Martha sold some art at the gallery and 'almost' sold one of my peices. The person who was looking and asking questions about "Parasil" is also a photographer. It's a beautiful piece and I would like someone to buy it.
After I met Martha at the Two Rivers Gallery we went to the opening at the Robert Graves Gallery. On our way out we saw another exhibit, not part of the current show, that really impressed us. It was a case full of large African Sculptures carved from stone. Beautiful, and emotive.
Myself I worked on reparing old frames and getting materials needed to convert some canvas frames to photo frames. The repairing intailed cleaning sanding, painting and in some cases mixing up plaser of paris and recreating designs in the plaster to match what had been on some very expensive large frames. The converting to photo frames involved mostly measuring and cutting plexiglass for the front openings of the frames. This done, I need to go through my digital stock of photos to see what coould go best with this particular frames, order custom prints and matts and get'r done.
Martha worked at the Two Rivers Gallery yesterday afternoon. When I picked her up, I got my first glance at the new canapy above the front entrance. It has been a long time a com'n for this, but it was finaly installed. Martha sold some art at the gallery and 'almost' sold one of my peices. The person who was looking and asking questions about "Parasil" is also a photographer. It's a beautiful piece and I would like someone to buy it.
After I met Martha at the Two Rivers Gallery we went to the opening at the Robert Graves Gallery. On our way out we saw another exhibit, not part of the current show, that really impressed us. It was a case full of large African Sculptures carved from stone. Beautiful, and emotive.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Robert Graves Gallery submission and new Artist Statement
Well, the past few days have busy indeed. Monday, although that is a day I work in the office seeing clients, I did have time in the middle of the day to create yet another blog. One that is not just about us, but about the arts in our area. The title being the Arts in the Valley and beyond. Several people have been very interested and have been submitting info for me to write up in the blog. So; ofcourse, yesterday we were so busy with other equaly important projects, that I have yet to get back to that. And, speaking of yesterday. I encouraged Martha to get back to work on the Robert Graves Gallery materials. Since last I wrote on that she has been touching up the painting that will go into that submission. So, while Martha worked on her Artistist Statement, and put together several list of important exhibits, publications and commissions she has had over the years, I took some new pictures of the newly touched up paintings and then helped with the bio and Artist Statement. I have included the new Artist Statement for this grouping of paintings that have been hand sellected for the Robert Graves submission. It follows here and I think it is really good.
Artist Statement
With this show I have put together a collection of my works that are not just a retrospective of my work. But, that tell the story in some way of my own inflorescence. Inflorescence ; being a botanical term that is central to the form and function of a flower. But, more of that later.
When I was trained formally as an artist, I was encouraged (encouraged is perhaps too polite of a term) to move away from the personal and more toward the abstract and impersonal. So, I stopped drawing and painting of faces and the familiar forms I was so familiar with growing up in Central America and instead concentrated on abstract imagery.
From this came the long and fruitful series of large and colorful pieces that I called “Organic Forms” These pieces had all the shapes and colors of truly organic mostly fruitlike forms, but yet were not of any specific or recognizable organic object be it fruit or vegetable or other. Though, certainly one can see many familiar organic shapes within the forms. Some of this is intentional, and, others not so much.
Still, I was not content to stay with indefinitely, and as I matured and progressed both artistically and personally having gone through a number of important phases, periods and life events, I came to reconnect with the personal and emotional in my work… perhaps it was never completely absent, even from my most abstract work. Then, as I came into my own personal flowering and independence in my life, I came to embrace the personal and emotional in my work in a way that was instep with the changes I was going through in my life. I infused my own flowering and growth as a person coming to myself in the larger world and gave expression to this as the “Immerging Women” theme in my work that is present in so many of my pieces over the past two decades.
Eventually, as I became more personally satisfied with my own life and could re-embrace my love and appreciation for who I am, where I am from and the love I have for all things innocent and full of life and promise, I began to give voice to the child within me, rediscovering my joy and, skill and pleasure at drawing and painting children and families.
And, eventually came full circle to revisiting the faces and forms that were so familiar to me in my childhood. As a product of this, I have over the past several years done many paintings of Central American women…some from memory and some inspired by the travels my husband and I have done over the past decade throughout Central America and the Caribbean. The resulting work of this period is such that, to do it justice, it needs to be a show unto itself. I have, thus chosen to not include the women and children representing these memories and travels in this collection and instead have stayed with the central theme of my own inflorescence in order to present a coherent theme for this show. In the future, I think a show centered on the faces and people of the land of my birth and surrounding countries would be wonderful show as well.
As to that botanical term, Inflorescence, which is a cluster of flowers that together form a rather showy blossom. In some kinds of inflorescence the youngest flowers are at the bottom somewhat smothered or hidden. And, there are those in which the youngest flowers are at the top or in the center of the flower and the first thing that one sees.
Like these different kinds inflorescences, there have been those times in my life, as in the lives of many, wherein I was more like the one kind than the other. There have been times in which the youngest or most youthful parts were clearly present for all to see and other times in which this youthful life and vigor have been more hidden and less visible at first glance.
But, this youthfulness is none-the-less always present. Even, if, a little uncovering is necessary to find that newness that is the flowering child full of promise that was so evident when we were young and not yet fully formed and mature.
And, so; Inflorescence, is not just a play on words including the name of Flores. It is a genuine expression of the flowering of the soul or essence of, not just my self, but of all of us. And, that should be present throughout our lives.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Arts in the Valley and beyond
Well, today marked the establishment and first posting of new the Wenatchee World Online Blog "Arts in the Valley and beyond" by yours truly. I am looking forward to writing the blog which is to promote, describe and discus the variety of arts related events that are and will continue to be happening in our area. In this first blog were mentioned the Cashmere Arts and Activities Center, the Two Rivers Gallery, chocolate maker CariLee Farris and a number of the artists currently exhibiting at CAAC. Look forward to more references to Arts in the Valley and beyond blog in future postings here as well.
For those interested here is the linc to the first AVB blog. Enjoy, and feel free to comment.
For those interested here is the linc to the first AVB blog. Enjoy, and feel free to comment.
Piel de Barro, chocolat and calandar
Well, through the end of the week Martha made much headway in working on the rewrites of the poetry/stories in her book Piel de Barro (Skin of Clay). she is nearly finished with that. When done, then I will need to do the work of putting it together with artwork and into a book format and publish on I think I need help from my son Rodney on that, as he has done this already with his self-publishe book on how to pass the SAT. Meanwhile I deseined and ordered 200 postcard with Martha artwork on them and we receive delivery of the calandars that I had ordered previously with 12 of Marthas painting featured. She was soooo happy when we received them, saying she had always wanted a calandar made with her artwork. They weren't oreder with the intent of being a Valentines present but they might as well have been... she was that happy about them. Saturday night we went to the Cashmere Art and Activity Center for the Devine Deserts tasting. It was fun and tasty. They had chocolat martinis and many specialty deserts to go with them. and, a good time was had by all. Serveral peopple there made very nice comments about each of our artworks on display there. March I am expected to be the Featured Artist I have sarted framing up some new works to take down there at the end of the month and will change out some of what is there currently with some existing works that I haven't shown there as well. We had art teacher Don Collins and his wife Heidi over for dinner Friday night and anongst other things they really like one of my pieces that I have titled Angel Wings...though they saw something quite different in the photo and that was equally vallid.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Moses Lake Mac Show, spanish Castle and touch ups
Well, yesterday was taken up mostly with picking up our art work from the Moses Lake Museum and Art Center. It's a bit of a drive out there and back. On the way back we stopped at Spanish Castle Rd. to explore down by the river there and see the famous Spanish Castle. It is supposed to be an old structure home building of some kind that looks a bit like an old castle. It was supposed to be on the other side of the river and visible from our side of the river. we never found it. I did take a number of picture of the scenery. Minimal anount of color this time of hear in the hills and shoreline. I did get a couple of shots of Martha and a couple of birds. One was a Great Blue heron as it glided low over the water and the other a Hawk perched atop an old dead tree looking all the worls as he were standing guard. I got a few good pics of Hawk on it's perch, then just as it began to take off and tried to take a shot of it with wings spread open, my camers batteries crapped out on me...ahhhg!!! today Martha worked a bit on touching up some of her signature pieces that we are wanting to pt together a show with for the Robert Graves Gallery. I designed and ordered two sets of post cards - 100 of each design. One features Martha's 60 x 48in oil titled Flowering Consciousness, the other is a 48 x 40 in oil titled Fruta Dulce.
Monday, February 7, 2011
First Friday
Just to get caught up with wenatchee Art Scene, the First Friday show at Two rivers Gallery was a fine affair, well attended and all were having a good time while we were there. The music played on an electronic keyboard was soft and suitable for the event. Next time I will do better at recalling the name of the musician. The featured artist of the show is Jan Cook Mac, and as always her work is stunning and inviting to look at. Many other fine artist were exhibiting in the show... too many to name. The wine was good and Terry Johnson was sure not to 'overserve' as he said jokingly, that he got in trouble last time for serving too much or giving out freeby's.... Ohhh! Terry, behave. Terry's work on display was also, excellant as always. Sandra, was working the front dest and appeared to be closing some sales during the show...Go Sandra! Ther was a wonderful jewlry desplay by and for Wendy Allen that was, to my eye, a beautiful piece of art in and of itself. I hope that we get some work back in the Gallery by Ruth Allen one of these days, but sadly, she is showing under and 'exclusive' arraingement with another Gallery right now. martha and I are in this show, but we are continueing to show the same work until the end of this show. We were out of town/country when the current show began and so we chose to keep our same work in place, and passed on changing out at mid-show as then we would only show those items for half a show or be at half point again next show... so it was easier to just wait for the new show, then change with the rest of the members. There was some beautiful photos in the gallery by Wendy Allen that Martha and I really liked. We will miss her work in future shows.
Superbowl party and Peri Nymph
Well, like everyone else in America, we went to a Superbowl party yesterday. It was plenty-o-fun. While I was there, though, I di dbreak out one of my cameras, and attempted to get some good glass/prism magic down. I took about 50 photos. A couple of which are promising. One which I was particularly delighted with, I have titled "Peri-Nymph". Yes, that's Peri not fairy. All know what a nymph is so I won't explain that. But, a Peri, is a particular kind of fairy or nymph that is is often said to be wicked as they are derived from fallen angels in ancient Persian folklore or mythology. As you look at this photo, you can see that wicked litle face in the upper center of the photo and it's spindly arms and legs dangling down through the center showing through it's gosemer like form or attire.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Robert Graves Gallery, Yakima Gallery, and Piel de Baro, and 3 Screams
Well, its been a busy couple of days. Yesterday, Martha and I worked on putting together a set of her works to submit to the Robert Graves Gallery in Wenatchee and I worked on the annotated list of works while Martha worked on an Artist Statement and an updated Artist bio/resume for the show. I also put together a CD with the photos that I then submitted to a Gallery in Yakima for an upcoming show there and completed the online submission of three of my photos to the LACDA digital photoshow in L.A. and, submitted another three photos to yet another competition. this one on the theme of "Insperation or Desperation" through the Coastal Arts League in Half Moon bay, CA.
Today Martha mad great headway in re-writing her Piel de Baro book, that we will be publishing through, when it is done.
Just within the hour We confirmed that some friend in Seattle can go with us to see 3 Screams on the 18th of this month and I ordered tickets online. This is the show that is featuring one of Martha's paintings relating to the theme of the play. and, now it is time to get ready for the First Friday show at Three Rivers Gallery where we both are exhibiting and I am on the Board of Directors. Which means...I have to go to First Friday, evan if I would like to stay home and relax in the jacuzzi.
Today Martha mad great headway in re-writing her Piel de Baro book, that we will be publishing through, when it is done.
Just within the hour We confirmed that some friend in Seattle can go with us to see 3 Screams on the 18th of this month and I ordered tickets online. This is the show that is featuring one of Martha's paintings relating to the theme of the play. and, now it is time to get ready for the First Friday show at Three Rivers Gallery where we both are exhibiting and I am on the Board of Directors. Which means...I have to go to First Friday, evan if I would like to stay home and relax in the jacuzzi.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
completion of sculpting class and jurried art show
Well, Martha finished the Saurday Sculpting class she was teaching over the weekend. Everyone was very happy and proud of their work as was reported to me. Sadly, as I was taking Martha's painting "Screaming" to the Off Jackson theater in Seattle, I wasn't there to take any pictures of the final completed sculptures, and though Martha had one of our cameras with her, she forgot to take pictures ;(
The delivery of the Painting in seattle went well...they were very pleased to get it. I printed up some cards for martha and gave to Peggy Gannon there and a shor bio as well with some photos of a couple of Martha's other work. I hope someon loves the show and the painting enough to buy the painting. I really don't want to have to drive back to pick it up... ( $70 worth of gas round trip).
Meanwhile yesterday I submitted three photos to LACDA (the L.A. County Digital Art Center) for an International Jurried Digital Art Show that will be jurried by L.A. County Museum. Wish me luck all.
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