Saturday, July 30, 2011

Risqué Burning Hot Motorcycle, Painted Fish and Naked Raku

Well, lots of fun in and out of the city for Martha and I and artist and art lovers. Martha and I have been very busy with lots of art stuff. Martha is working on a really great looking clay mask at our home studio which I really like a lot. I’ll post a photo of it later when it’s done. Meanwhile, I received a request for picture of my oldest son for a project his soon-to-be sister-in-law is putting together. One of the pics I sent is a photo of a watercolor I did of him when he was a teen.

Yesterday, it was my turn to open up Two Rivers Gallery in Wenatchee. My plan was to do my morning bike ride on the Wenatchee Capital Loop Trail and stop in at the appointed time to open-up. Unfortunately, I got no further than one mile before my rear tire went flat #%@*. So, I had to hoof it, bike in tow, back to my starting point and had just enough time to get to the gallery. It was good that some folks came in to look at the art right away even before the docent I was opening for arrived.

Later in the day, I headed over to Terry Johnson’s Studio as he had left a message that my glass fish was ready to be picked-up. Getting the directions from Terry to the monument place in town, I picked it up and took it back to Terry’s

where I painted through the cuts in the rubber where it had been sand blasted and left it there to dry. He had a pot that had the outer layer crumble off partly in one of his kilns, which he offered to me to take home and instructed me in how to do a ‘naked raku’ firing of it. I was on my motorcycle and, therefore, had to leave it to be picked-up later. He asked that I stop in when I could to take a piece over to Artie Bowman that he has been working on for her. That was fine as I would be heading out to the Cashmere Arts and Activities Center in the morning to open-up and docent for a few hours. Just before I left another friend of Terry’s who has a pretty mean Harley, that Terry is doing the artwork on stopped in.

 I got his permission to take a few photos of his bike for the blog. Too bad I only had my camera phone with me. The art is a bit risqué, so I had to try real hard with that little camera to get a shot in which his brilliant chromed handle bars and clutch handle blocked anything that can’t be shown in a blog.

Last evening, after returning home, I found I had a number of complimentary emails from artists and non-artists alike who really enjoyed my recent Youtube video   of the Bicycle Art Tour of Wenatchee. One of the folks I received a nice compliment from Karen Dean of Gallery 4South. I also I received an email from Jan Cook Mack.  So, following up on an Idea I had, I contacted Jan and her young protégé Nick Penny about meeting with them over at her studio this afternoon after I finish my duty as docent at CAAC.

Jan mentioned that she really liked the photo I took of myself in front of the Tyler Farrar portion of the Fifth Street mural which was in the video. I offered an idea back of adding Tyler’s dad, Dr. Ed Farrar, to the mural. He is a well known local cyclist who was permanently injured in a bike accident and currently rides The Loop every day on a recumbent hand powered bike along with a regular entourage of riders on regular bikes. What a great gesture I think it would be to paint him in front of Tyler on his recumbent bike.

This morning before dawn, I was up watching a video online instructing how to make various kinds of rubber and plastic molds. My thought is to make some molds of certain pieces of Martha’s that are quite expensive to produce

i.e. her bronzes, and make some less expensive  castings of them out of slip (liquid clay) or potters plaster.  Yet another project… and, the hits just keep on coming as the old DJ’s used to say.

Having studied up on making molds it was time to load up the truck with some more of Martha’s art for the

gallery in Cashmere and head out to Cashmere – remembering of course to stop in at Terry’s to pick up that piece for Artie Bowman and my glass fish and the pot I’m going to do the Naked Raku with. The piece for Artie needs more work as it turns out, but I picked up the fish and the pot and a metal burn bucket to the naked raku in. That should be fun; I really can’t wait to get to the naked thing with the raku.

Well, enough for now, and back to work hanging Martha’s painting here at the Cashmere arts and activities Center. Oh, and I just remembered Terry needs my friend James, the electricians number for Karen dean who has a kiln to be repaired as well. So much to do and remember to do… so, bye for now.

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